Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wonderview Hotel: Gray Shuko WIP

I found this concept floating around Polycount and really loved the style and colours, so thought I would give it a go. It's the Wonderview Hotel by Gray Shuko

 So I did a really quick blackout and decided not to do any bevels or anything. i wanted to see if I could do it super low poly and bring all the detail in with the textures, keeping it like the concept as much as poss.
 So it's just under 1400 at the moment for the entire building, but as I want to do it for an illustration only, I may be able to delete the whole back faces later. Depends on what I will do I guess....

So I blocked in the colours and then started to do the outlines which was where I had some trouble. I mean, it's not meant to be bordelines style, just this cool sketchy outline the concept has, but because I didnt have bevels, it's hard getting the line to look right, espessially if the UVs are separated along certain edges.

 So I did a couple of tests and rendered in Marmoset, the first thing I ever put in Marmoset which I can't wait to use more of. It makes everything look awesome.
So I have no lines:blocky lines, chalk erased ines and sketchy hand drawn lines. So the 3rd pic looks closest to the concept at the moment, but the harsh lines don't really work well.

I'm thinking another way would be to try out like a cel shader or something which renders the lines darker on the outsides, or in relation to the camera. So I might look into that. But for now, I'll just stick to the colours.

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